Therapists need caring too – supporting yourself to do great work
Supervision for Counsellors, Therapists, Facilitators and SEP
When working with people feeling supported is number one key to deliver excellent work so we don’t burn out.
As therapists we need practical knowledge and hands on inspiration and advise that we can immediately use to help our clients. What’s critical is not always more information, but wisdom shared from those who are as well using it on a day-to-day basis.
How can we work together?
In our one hour supervision, face to face or via Skype, we will discuss your case studies that you bring to the sessions and examples you gathered from working with your clients.
It is a platform for you to down load and discuss either challenges or pieces of great work you have accomplished. Both are important to be shared and integrated.
As therapist we often work alone and sharing our experiences with a supervisor is essential and brings great relief freeing yourself from your work load.
Naturally your capacity of holding space and compassion sometimes runs out and we need to recharge our own batteries so we will be able to deliver excellent work which can at times of stress be extremely challenging.
We live in an extraordinary time to be a therapist. Our field of psychotherapy is undergoing a dramatic evolutionary upgrade with unprecedented breakthroughs and massive paradigm shifts in neuroscience, trauma resolution, somatic therapy, couples therapy, and mindfulness research – we’re experiencing an exciting renaissance. And this expansion can at times be a challenge as well; new input that needs to be studied, absorbed and practiced.
So be kind to yourself and receive the support to help you do great work feeling energised and thriving as a therapist even further. Email me today on
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